Does roofing felt deteriorate?

Asphalt felt, the most common type of foundation, has a useful life of between 20 and 30 years. However, under extremely prolonged conditions, its service life can be reduced by half.

Does roofing felt deteriorate?

Asphalt felt, the most common type of foundation, has a useful life of between 20 and 30 years. However, under extremely prolonged conditions, its service life can be reduced by half. Fortunately, the new rubberised or synthetic asphalt underlayment has a longer service life of between 25 and 35 years. The service life of roofing felt under shingles will depend on the type used.

You can expect traditional roofing felt to last about 30 years, although this will depend on the conditions you are exposed to. Other modern alternatives tend to be more durable, although they tend to be more expensive. the lower layers of the roof can be exposed for up to six months if the bottom layer is made of synthetic materials. These roofing layers without felt have good resistance to the elements.

However, they can dry out when left in the sun. Once dry, sheets become brittle and break in strong winds or storms. However, you don't want to leave it exposed to the elements for more than a few days, or it could get damaged. The good news is that roofing felt can get wet.

Behmer Roofing & Sheet Metal explains that this is an essential part of roofing felt design in the first place. This felt is designed to add another layer of waterproofing to your roof to protect your home from rain, snow and moisture damage. When it comes to the lifespan of a felt flat roof, most warranties will only last ten years. If properly installed and maintained, roofing felt could last longer, but it will take time and money to keep it in a decent condition.

Although roofing felt is the protective layer, it can get wet. Perhaps, even when wet, roofing felt maintains its integrity until it is exposed to other elements for more than a week or two. It can even break down in sunlight, as well as due to the amount of moisture. However, you may be interested to know that the great advances in roofing technology in recent years mean that if you choose the right material and a decent installer, your flat roof can have a very long and healthy lifespan.

When snow melts due to residential heat, roof water seeps through nooks and crannies and ultimately damages the walls, insulation, or roofs of your residence. Roofing felt is designed to repel water, but you need to install it correctly following the guidelines.


often leak for reasons other than clay shingles, concrete shingles, roofing slate, or flat roof felt that don't. At this stage, you already know that the lower layers of the roof can be left exposed for a few weeks to six months, depending on the material used.

If you have ever recognized the use of roofing felt, you may know that roofing felt is used as a base. This means you need to plan your roofing project carefully and prepare for contingencies before starting your project. Often felt flat roofs are laid with the emphasis on keeping costs down, so the most economical felt grades are used which, as you would expect, have the shortest lifespan. Assessing the cause of a leaking GRP flat roof can be quite difficult due to the seamless construction of a GRP roof; however, when the leak has been identified, repair can be relatively simple.

While remaining in good condition after 50 years is not uncommon, concrete shingles in good condition after 60 to 70 years are a rarity. First, because it has a much higher tear strength, which makes it less likely to cut in high winds, which keeps the roof cover protected, and second, because it has reduced water permeability, which prevents rain from seeping into the roof cover. Another important factor is that tear-resistant synthetic underlayment has a much higher tear strength than traditional asphalt, which means that once the roof is installed over the underlayment, it will last much longer than asphalt felt. Products, such as Cromapol acrylic waterproof roofing coating, are waterproof paints that are generously painted in areas where leaks are known or suspected, or where roof deterioration is visible, and are short-term solutions used to address leaks temporarily (only for a few years).

Natural roofing slates, such as clay shingles, have a very long lifespan with many roof slates from leading manufacturers such as SSQ, currently offered with warranties of between 75 and 100 years. . .